How should I pronounce "Epoch"?

Hi everyone,

I’ve come across the word “epoch” and I’m not sure how to pronounce it correctly. Can someone help me out with this?


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The pronunciation actually depends on your accent!

  • American English: Most commonly, Americans say “EH-puhck ,” rhyming with “epic” but with a short “u” sound.
  • British English: In Britain, you’ll hear "EE-pock " more often, with a long “e” sound like in “eat.”

Both pronunciations are correct, so no worries whichever way you naturally say it.

If you’re curious to hear both, you can check out some pronunciation guides online

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The word “Epoch” is pronounced as “EE-pock” with the emphasis on the first syllable. It means a particular period of time marked by distinctive features or events.

Eh-pock is how I’ve always said it.