Guys I am going to cry I can't even do the most basic beginner code WHY is this not running?

Update guys I absolutely cooked after like 4 hours of almost crying, I am now officially a professional and will be changing my major to computer science


I can only reproduce this issue if I write javac A7 instead of java A7 . Can you provide a screenshot of your terminal with both javac, java, and the error message?


I’m pleased I read this as I went back and fixed the real problem, hehe.


UPDATED I understand. I believe that I unintentionally had another public class file in the same directory location, which caused the issue. I’m not sure why. This is really confusing.

Congratulations! This is known as learning in the industry.

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It almost brought a tear to my eye


I am familiar with the emotion. It’s as horrible to read Java as it is to chop onions.


Consider utilizing an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), such as the Community Edition of IntelliJ IDEA. Code completion, syntax highlighting, and other features make writing code much easier using these tools, but they also come with a button to execute the code, saving you from having to type out terminal instructions.

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Okay this is great thank you, because my next project is already making me homicidal