What's the most useful business-related book you've read?

What’s the most valuable business-related book you’ve encountered? I came across this question on a job portal and wanted to discuss it here. Currently, I haven’t read any business-related books.

Which business-related books would you recommend for someone pursuing a career in data science? Do they provide any benefits when preparing for a data science interview?


If you ever intend to delve into accounting-related reporting, check out this book: Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know About the Numbers.


Honestly, understanding how financial statements function is incredibly valuable. You can’t become a proficient manager without grasping business reporting practices, and once you’re in a managerial role, you won’t have the luxury of time to learn these fundamentals. In my experience, the most beneficial aspect of my MBA was studying accounting.


Is there a more affordable book that covers similar topics? The price for this one is too high where I live.

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I’m uncertain, but you can achieve similar understanding by learning the basics of financial reports like the Profit and Loss Statement, General Ledger, and so on.

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Or you can also have a look at “How to Win Friends and Influence People” remains packed with valuable insights, despite being nearly a century old.

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This book has had a profound impact on my life. I believe everyone, regardless of their profession, should read it.