This is a serious question, and the best way to answer it is informally.
What pertinent DS features do all people share, to a greater or lesser extent, once you take away the talents of particular disciplines and role-defined skills and simply look at the individual?
For example, what is your model of professional DS-related character qualities that is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive?
Not everyone in every field has the same level of punctuality.
Similar to:
Simple Modeling of Logic Methodology, Business, and Pragmatism Focus on Execution Political Intelligence Delivery Speed Management & Operations
To serve as an example:
Convoluted vs Concise Logic Model Communication
Encyclopedic Methodological Knowledge vs. Niche
Theory vs. Motivation for Business Problems
Coherence of Concept versus Execution Quality
Political advocate for a general group against an expert peer communicator
Haste versus Deliberate
Niche role individual contribution vs. Leveraging collaboration/management