# What ability scores would a data scientist have if they were an RPG character? (Which aspects of character traits—whether strengths or weaknesses—are shared by all DS professionals?)

This is a serious question, and the best way to answer it is informally.

What pertinent DS features do all people share, to a greater or lesser extent, once you take away the talents of particular disciplines and role-defined skills and simply look at the individual?

For example, what is your model of professional DS-related character qualities that is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive?

Not everyone in every field has the same level of punctuality.

Similar to:

Simple Modeling of Logic Methodology, Business, and Pragmatism Focus on Execution Political Intelligence Delivery Speed Management & Operations

To serve as an example:

Convoluted vs Concise Logic Model Communication

Encyclopedic Methodological Knowledge vs. Niche

Theory vs. Motivation for Business Problems

Coherence of Concept versus Execution Quality

Political advocate for a general group against an expert peer communicator

Haste versus Deliberate

Niche role individual contribution vs. Leveraging collaboration/management



I adore ARPGs (Last Epoch, D4, etc.) and LitRPGs. However, this is not a serious or useful question at all. It appears to be far more clickbait and engagement bait than anything significant, helpful, or fruitful.


Indeed, none of the items you mentioned. In my opinion, the INT must be at least 8 or 9.


played lacrosse in college, averaging 2.4 goals per game.



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ITT: dS larp