Thoughts on the UW Data Science certificate program?

Hello everyone, I am thinking of applying for the UW Certificate in Data Science, however; I am having trouble finding any online programme reviews. Could someone with experience in the programme comment on the calibre and applicability of the courses? Since it will take a significant amount of time (8 months!), I want to know if it will be worthwhile before I commit.


I have finished my certification. For me, networking was the main advantage. Outside of class, I collaborated on Kaggle projects with programme participants. I thought there was a good lot of overlap between the classes and that the programme as a whole was not properly organised. But considering the cost, I think receiving a solid introduction to data science was worthwhile.

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@StatisticSleuthSara What history do you have? Unless you have relevant experience (a graduate degree or years of industry experience), my default recommendation is to avoid these programmes because they cannot successfully train you from 0 to 60 (a data science role).