Hello, do you think a ms in data analytics or computer science would be better for a data science career?
A minor in statistics combined with computer science
I am referring to a master’s degree. CS and DS minors are already part of my bachelor’s degree.
I agree with u/whelp88. Get a MS Computer science. A lot of programs also offer an interdepartmental masters level Statistics Minor
Depending on the kind of DS you wish to concentrate on, I believe both are acceptable. I would say:
analytics if you wish to concentrate on business issue solving, hypothesis testing, experimentation, preliminary model construction, analysis, and visualization.
computer science If you wish to concentrate on data engineering, bringing intricate models to production, or machine learning engineering
Thank you for your response. Which would you choose if you had to choose between the two and I wasn’t sure?
It’s a personal decision, so you should think about what interests you. There are many opportunities in both sectors. I would advise you to simply research these domains and select the relevant field.