In less than a week, I must study Panel Data Regression

Hi to all of you. I have to finish this assignment before the end of the next week. I specifically need to use Panel Data for a minor project that has to do with finance. I was wondering about how firms are rated according to their performance, but I’m not sure where to look for the information.

An additional issue is that I have little knowledge of panel data. I’ve already attempted to read Baltagi’s Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, but I find the arithmetic to be simply too much. Do you have any recommendations? It would be even better if you had an application in Python.


Causal Inference for the Brave and True. It has a whole section on panel data with examples in Python.


Thanks alot for the information


The free book Econometrics in R has a chapter on Panel Data with R code. I don’t have a math background and I think it’s fairly readable.


I appreciate for the information.


Hey I have a project with panel data analysis in R (Rstudio) if that helps. Busy right now but you can dm me for a basic rundown of panel data theory and I will respond tomorrow.

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UCLA has really good level concept stuff based in Stata (implement in something else). Search UCLA stats xtreg should get you things.