How much of your skills did you learn on the job?

I’m early career, and I honestly still feel like I don’t truly know that much about how professional organizations manage their data, their processes for modeling, survey research, cleaning. I feel confident in doing that work on my own, managing my own stuff and obviously what I’ve learned in school, but I’m not really sure how much professional data scientists and analysts should know when coming out of school and what you actually learn on the job.


Depending on the business and their expectations. They do anticipate having at least the bare minimum operational in six months. Granted, I believe that working for extremely complex firms need a year or two to thoroughly grasp the function.


IBM used to say about two years back in the dark ages


IBM used to say about two years back in the dark ages


Fr, that is accurate😂 OP, if you’re in a company that demands less than a year run fast

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More than two to learn all the acronyms at an enormous company.

A year just to figure out what they might be talking about, two years and maybe you are qualified to speak. 10 years to know the breadth of an industry, if you think that it’s less, I argue you don’t know what you don’t know …until you trip over it and fall on your face.

I want to be blissfully ignorant again. Someone hire me?


More than two to become familiar with every acronym in a large corporation.

It takes a year to figure out what they might be talking about, and after two years, you might be able to answer questions. It takes ten years to fully understand the scope of an industry; if you believe that it takes less, I contend that you are unaware of your ignorance until you stumble and fall.

I want to regain my perfect ignorance. Can I get a job somewhere?

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I absolutely concur with you. A half year is generally sufficient to become familiar with the devices and rudiments, however dominating the intricacies of a job, particularly in bigger or more information driven organizations, can take significantly longer. Those initial not many years are critical for building that profound comprehension and creating critical thinking impulses that accompany insight. It’s a drawn out growing experience, without a doubt!