How do I get back into programming and what should I be doing?

I’m a 19 year old and I used to do programming back when I was 6-14, I got into video games and my programming skills declined slowly and quickly. I haven’t done coding in a while besides working on and for minecraft servers but thats about it really. When I was younger I used to do batch and HTML.

I would like to be a developer and make it my career but I don’t know where I would excel or what is good to learn. Some jobs that did look good was app, web, video game, and hardware development but I would like to just pick one.

I would also like to know some websites I could learn programming on for either really cheap or just free. I used to use Code Academy but I don’t know if that’s useful anymore.

Also if anyone says “go to college” I’m already thinking about going to a nearby college but I don’t like school all that much so its a maybe at the moment.

Use Udemy (Gale Udemy is free with a lot of library’s)

Your skills declined slowly and quickly?!

Regardless of that, the way to regain skill is to work at it, to practice, to learn.

Far too many beginners are doing web stuff, the market for juniors who have learned HTML/CSS/JS is oversaturated.

Pick something else, learn it, build projects.

Your abilities deteriorated swiftly and gradually?

In any case, the only way to regain skill is to put in the effort, practice, and learn.

  • The Odin Project
  • Full Stack open
  • Teach Yourself Computer Science
  • Open Source Society University