I’m in a weird spot where I’m doing more soft skills than coding right now. Weirdly enough, I don’t really miss the coding. I’m “selling” my LLMs to business partners who don’t get DS, leadership for funding, etc… I’ve had to do this for every model I’ve built so far, but this time, I don’t want to both create the models and then sell them. Or sell the idea, create a POC, continue talks/improving the model, go through legal/compliance. Because of the soft skills, I’ve been able to productionize the most models in my department, but it’s exhausting to do both. I should also add that my manager isn’t even a DS and doesn’t know what they’re doing, so I’ve had to go out to business partners from the start to get projects. Legitimately have been doing their job and mine for a while.
I’ve been applying to DS/ML roles to get practice with interviewing and realizing that I really don’t want to go through coding interviews or read research papers anymore. I’ve been really enjoying business books and other books on soft skills. I’m also am an extroverted person by nature, so it’s hard for me to go back from talking to coding. I love to present, too and love public speaking. I love to learn and discuss what I learned, I just don’t think I want to build models from scratch or maintain existing models anymore.
I love NLP/AI, so I’d want to stick into that area if I were to go to sales. I know tech sales that are in cloud, and I have a few AWS certs, but have never really heard of sales in data science